IREAD Early Childhood Development Ltd


Empowering Societies through Education and Technology

IREAD ECDL is a non-governmental organization, whose primary focus is for the education and social development of the poorest illiterate communities in Uganda. Since its establishment, IREAD ECDL has contributed a significant amount to the early childhood development in rural and urban schools in Uganda.

Our Vision

To ensure that all children in Uganda get an opportunity to access education in their early childhood through technologically assisted Play-Based Learning.

Our Mission

To promote inclusive early learning for each and every child from birth through age 6 by empowering parents, care givers and educators with ECD knowledge and skills.

Our Goal

To harness the power and capability of utilising all available technologies for Early Childhood Development and advocate for policy change in ECD curriculum design and development.

Children Retention Rate : The Class of 2023

IREAD ECDL has made quality its' habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day. One example of this, is we are working intensively with Kyambogo University's,  Early Childhood Development (ECD) faculty.

We are tapping into the highest resources  available in the country and advancing ourselves to international standards while continually looking ahead.

The performance and the retention rates scored in 2023 (as shown in the graph) are the results of our hard work and commitment to achieving our Vision 

Quality, not Quantity

Predict the Future for Our Children by Creating it Now


Our organization has emerged with innovative approaches to transform Early Childhood Education from Curriculum to Classroom level in collaboration with the government. Our research designs and  innovative approaches can harness the contemporary potential of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to enable a transformation in ECD in the future. Our organization’s innovation is adopting an ICT driven Triple-Tiered-Approach (TTA), the conceptual embedding ICT in Curriculum Design, Teachers Training, and Active Learning for successful Early Childhood development.

Triple - Tiered- Approach (TTA)

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for successful Early Childhood Development (ECD)

The Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) utilising in ICT enabled Curriculum Design and Development for ECD: Establish a vibrant learning methodologies and practices with locally available learning materials..

College of Teachers Education utilising ICT Assisted Teachers Capacity Development for ECD : ICT can also provide extensive opportunities for the teacher/learner relationship to be reversed.

Districts and Schools implementing ICT Assisted, Activity-Based Learning Method, and Play-Based Learning: In essence, There are many ways in which ICT can enrich and support learning and development in Early Childhood Development.

Children Engaged in ICT: The Class of 2023


Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Nelson Mandela.